Saturday, May 9, 2020

badass table of one.....

Hey all you cool cats and kittens. Hey, Don't judge. I needed something to watch to distract from the universe being on fire more or less. Hopefully you all are surviving during these crazy times. I am immunocompromised and work in a hospital so to say it was balls to the wall crazy and stressful was an understatement.  Basically it became strap on your mask if u could find one and hit the ground running every day.  Being immunocompromised and working around covid every day was hella stressful. Id be lying if I didn't think of my own mortality during this mess. Along with no immune system my lungs aren't the greatest either. Every day I went to work wondering if that was the day I would catch it . In the world of lupus that kind of stress and running yourself ragged will bring on a flare and so it did. Yea good times! 🙄  I had a friend not that long ago say "ok you can stop trying to prove to the world that u are a bad-ass. We get it. We know u are." I was never trying to prove anything. I know I'm a bad ass. But in the face of what was going on there comes a point where u aren't afraid anymore. Like that moment in home alone where Kevin mccallister says hey I'm not afraid anymore! Just like that. Poof. You learn to just do it. You become the force. You realize u are made of steel. They say all u need in life is two seconds of blind courage and they are right.  Tommorow is world lupus day. For all of us every day before our feet hit the ground it takes those two seconds of courage and to say u can do it to get yourself moving. Then we face the day and whatever life and lupus throws our way. I'm not saying it will be easy. It never is. But I think only the toughest people are given these types of challenges. As always just keep swimming. And tommorow on world lupus day take a moment to celebrate what a bad ass u are. Straighten that crown and realize u are kicking lupus ass every day through the good days and bad. Your success rate for surviving is 100%. So tommorow lupus babes celebrate survival. I couldn't be prouder to be in the trenches with a more amazing group of warriors. You guys make me smile and inspire me daily.  I raise a glass to u guys, to us and to the bad ass women we are. We are wolves and butterflies, Tough as nails and just as beautiful. Keep smiling, keep surviving and keep kicking lupus ass!