Thursday, July 6, 2023

But have you tried ibuprofen?

Greetings ladies and germs so much for being a consistent blogger!  Sometimes life happens what can I say? I took a break from blogging to focus on my health. Sometimes it just starts to backslide and you have to step it up in the game of my body is a raging shit show. But what else is new right?  So my life became a revolving door of doctors. More like interviews since you never know how in the world that will go. Will they be an asset? Will they try to kill you with their nonsense, or just flat out think you are crazy? Its always a roll of the dice. So after feeling like i saw every specialist this side of the Mississippi I finally found a team that works. It took lots of google skills and persistence to find people that fit my needs but i found them.  Then it became a matter of  addressing the things I had ignored for decades because I was in survival mode and there was no time to take care of myself. Just keep swimming and try not to drown. Since this time last year my hip has since collapsed and in a few short weeks I will become the bionic woman with a new hip. Never thought I'd become a real life terminator but here we are. It became harder and harder to mask the pain and pretend I was fine when internally my bones were screaming at me because they were rotting from the inside. I have lost count of how many times I've pretended to be fine to outsiders but internally I felt like I would collapse and my bones would snap right there from the pain.  Yay for Avascular Necrosis, fun times from steroids. I eventually gave in and started using a cane and put my pride on a shelf about using one.  First I bought a leopard print cane, then a shiny purple and gold one. If I absolutely had to use a medical aid it was going to be cute damn it. Now if only someone would improve the look of hospital gowns. Any fashion design companies wanna look into that one? Walking around without your ass hanging out would be nice. Depending on who you ask. So I got a cane, a new team and am playing the waiting game until I get my new hip. But a date is set and the count down is on. Its been amazing to me what ive heard in the past year from doctors as far as medical advice that was supposed to pass as helpful. I heard the usual. Have you tried exercising? Why yes i have but it renders me unable to walk at all for 2 whole days. Have u tried losing weight? See response above and also I eat pretty healthy. Just cant move because my hip is in constant pain. Then my favorite. Have you tried ibuprofen? The over the counter band aid for everything. Its the medicine version of have you tried turning it off and then back on again? Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Kinda like the rest of my body. I'd be lying to myself if I didnt admit how bad the pain is some days. Most of the time in a medical setting your pain is measured using a smiley to sad face graph. Which for someone in chronic pain is a frustrating scale. Explaining to medical staff that well my baseline pain is a 7, flare day pain is an 8 and doing any activity past my usual is an automatic 9. Wanna see their head spin around like the exorcist? That's the way to do it. But these days the pain dictates my life and what I can and cant do. I will stay off my soapbox about the headache and taboo that comes with asking any provider for pain relief. It is generally met with hesitance, a speech about addiction and have u tried ibuprofen? Oh and yoga.  I think I speak for a lot of us in chronic pain when I say. We are looking for general relief from pain that is with us morning, noon and night. A constant reminder of bodies that are pushed past their limit and most of the time the limit being the absolute bare minimum before the pain renders you immobile. To say I am beyond ready for replacement surgery is an understatement. Im sure that in itself will present a bunch of new challenges.  But you gotta do what you gotta do to make it to the other side. I look forward to the simple things after replacement. Walks with my partner being number one.  Right now every step takes everything I have and is met with waves of pain as I wait for my surgery date. But hopefully brighter days are ahead and many beach walks with my partner are in my future. And just like Nemo we just keep swimming. 

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