Monday, July 10, 2023

Out of Sight Out of Mind

I was recently asked to speak at a function about the anniversary of the ADA and why it is so important for people with disabilities. I had to turn it down for multiple reasons. #1 the surgery. #2 I dont think my style is what they are ready for. I tend to come out with guns blazing and pulling no punches and telling it like it is. Like that line from a few good men where Jack Nicholson is screaming you can't handle the truth. Yea...thats me. I tend to ruffle feathers. Not give the warm and fuzzies people like.  I've never been a well behaved woman who kept her mouth shut and don't plan on starting now. So yea. Why is the ADA important?  So people with disabilities are given equal opportunities to our healthy counterparts.  July 26, 1990 the day the Americans with Disabilities act was signed into law. Up until that point people with disabilities were considered second class citizens. A group within society that was once institutionalized just because they had a physical or mental disability that they had no control over. Getting a disability is like a roll of the dice. It can happen at any time to anyone.  Disability doesn't discriminate in who it affects. People with disabilities wanted more than to be locked away from society and forgotten and Out of sight, Out of mind. They wanted to be seen as more than their disabilities. Seen as people with dreams to be produtive members of society and treated with respect.  But from the outside for centuries people have viewed those with illnesses as pariahs. But we are so much more than what society has and still does think of us. Some of the most amazing people I know are the ones who have had horrible physical roadblocks thrown in their path. The ADA has helped people with disabilities a lot. But there's still a lot that needs to be done to help people with disabilities live their best lives possible.  We are a long way from claiming victory at the top of the mountain. When employers finally treat employees with illnesses as an asset instead of an inconvenience then we will have victories. When we have more accecessability options for people with all disabilities. More wheelchair friendly access to things,  more options and accommodations for everyone who just need a litte extra help in life to participate in life because they weren't delt a fair hand.  

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